Speaking & Events

These are some of the more common speaking topics/events I have the fun of doing for various organizations passionate about innovation:

  1. IdeaJam – teaching you how to quickly come up with and evaluate venture ideas that leverage your passions, assets, and evidence of market demand.
  2. PitchCamp – an intensive session where teams rapidly iterate their investor/funder-focused pitch to something much more effective.
  3. Innovation for Nonprofits – introducing nonprofit managers to Silicon Valley’s tools for innovation.
  4. Sharks, Suits, and Thanksgiving Dinner (AKA the Flavors of capital) – debt vs equity vs friends & family…
  5. Bootstrapping Credibility – so new entrepreneurs can get people to take them seriously.
  6. Surviving Failure – stories of companies (mine and others) that have failed. The emotional toll it takes. How to get through it. How to avoid it.
  7. Customer Discovery 101 – best practices on how to find and interview potential customers to validate your business hypotheses. Fill-in-the-blank templates provided.
  8. Prototyping Fast & Cheap – how to prototype your product 10x faster and 100x cheaper.
  9. Why, What, How – a walk-through of a few simple-to-use tools to help startup teams make smarter decisions and Get Things Done.